Portfolio "Big" Style
Ron Wilson
Portfolio "Big Below" Style
Ron Wilson
Ron Wilson
Frame Variations
You can choose from different styles for image frame, hovers, text align, font size, show/hide varrious elements,etc. Below are some example of what you can get by playing with shortcode options.
Example 1
- Simple Frame, without labels
- Show all elements like title and description
- Title size: H3
- Text alignment - left
Example 2
- Frame with view label
- Description is disabled
- Title size: H3
- Text alignment - center
Example 3
- Frame with camera icon
- Show all elements like title and description
- Custom title font size - 20px
- Text alignment - center
Example 4
- Frame with view label on hvoer with custom text
- Show all elements like title and description
- Title size - H4
- Text alignment - center
Frame Variations
You can choose from different styles for image frame, hovers, text align, font size, show/hide varrious elements,etc. Below are some example of what you can get by playing with shortcode options.
Portfolio "Underline" Style
Frame Variations
You can choose from different styles for image frame, hovers, text align, font size, show/hide varrious elements,etc. Below are some example of what you can get by playing with shortcode options.
Example 1
- Simple Frame, without labels
- Show all elements like title and description
- Text alignment - left
Example 2
- Frame with view label
- Description is disabled
- Text alignment - center
Example 3
- Frame with camera icon
- Show all elements like title and description
- Text alignment - center
Example 4
- Frame with view label on hvoer with custom text
- Show all elements like title and description
- Text alignment - center